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One Mom's Perfect Imperfection: miscellany monday

One Mom's Perfect Imperfection

One mom's journey through life and her hodgepodge of hobbies.

28 June 2010

miscellany monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Hello Monday. We meet again.  All too soon.  But ain't nothing gonna break my stride.  Nobody's gonna slow me down.  Oh no, I've got to keep on moving.

Did I just break out in song?  On a Monday?  Must be my delish coffee starting to kick in.  Off we go with another edition of miscellany monday...

{ONE}  Monday = laundry day.  Most of you know how I feel about laundry by now.  I'll just let this issue rest.  For now.  

{TWO}  My husband is on this crazy diet that his doctor recommended and he lost over 10 pounds last week.  I'm insanely jealous but not sure I have the will power to start it.  And because I know I'll be asked "WHAT DIET?" - google "HCG Diet".  And be warned, you can't do the food part without the hormone or you'll die of malnutrition.  And you can't get the hormone without a prescription.  However, I have lost 1.5 pounds thanks to cooking all these healthy meals and not eating out.  Go figure.  Healthy eating posts to come.  Stay tuned....

{THREE}  I've started dabbling in the potty training with Presley.  She (at 18 months old) started ripping off wet diapers and putting them in the trash.  She will also let me know when she's dirty.  I ran out and got pull-ups, panties and flushable wipes.  I only wanted to start with the pull-ups because she is so young.  But as I learned with Keegan, you can't really dabble in potty training.  It's an all or nothing kind of deal.  I think the pull-ups just confuse them.  I'm just not sure I'm ready to clean pee off of everything I own.  Again.  But just this morning, she grabbed the pull-up, looked straight at me and said, "pee pee".  She ran straight to the potty and sat for a bit but nothing.  Still, major progress for an 18 month old.  So I guess since she's obviously ready I have to get myself ready.  The panties will be going into the laundry today and I guess we'll meet potty training head on this week. Consider this a warning:  blog posts may become progressively agitated and hostile.  

{FOUR}  I took my kiddos out yesterday morning for a little photo shoot to commemorate Presley's 18 month milestone.  I think I got some good ones but it was just so stinkin' hot.  We were all sweaty, red faced and melting.  I'm anxious to edit some of the shots, though.

{FIVE}  The family went to see Toy Story 3 yesterday and it was so cute.  Everyone told me I'd cry.  I was so proud that I had not shed one single tear & the movie was almost over (big success for me - I'm a big ole softy).  But the last two scenes brought me to sobs.  I could cry now just thinking about it.  If you haven't seen this yet, take tissues.  

Alright mountain of laundry, HERE I COME.

To read more random thoughts or link up some of your own, head over to Carissa's blog, lowercase letters by clicking the logo above.  

Have a SUPERB week!

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  • At June 28, 2010 at 8:27 AM , Anonymous Tyler said...

    Presley is a champ! She will do awesome I am sure... but there will plenty of accidents and fun had by all ;)Good Luck!!

    I did get most of my laundry done yesterday.. now to fold the mountain (clean clothes) ahh that is the hardest part for me!

    I want to see Toy Story 3.. they have it at the Imax downtown (CLT) and I think we may try that.. should be fun! Did you take Presley? would she sit through it?

    Have a great day girl.. talk to you in a bit :)

  • At June 28, 2010 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous Michelle Farley said...

    Oh, I am so not ready for potty training! I was thinking about "dabbling in it" as well, but I guess I need to really start getting ready! I don't think Paddy is ready just yet, but I should probably start preparing myself. I don't think I'd have any idea about where to start, but since he's nonverbal, I'm really at a loss. I'm going to have to start reading up!

    I don't see how anyone with kids could watch Toy Story 3 without crying! I *never* cry at movies, but hubby and I were both so choked up after that one, we had to stop on the way home to compose ourselves so that the babysitter and teenage daughter wouldn't think we'd lost our minds. :)

    Looking forward to the new pics and healthy eating posts! Hubby and I are both trying to lose weight, and I am so bored with everything we eat now. I could use some new ideas!

    Off to google that diet and start on some laundry myself now. Happy Monday! :)

  • At June 28, 2010 at 9:22 AM , Anonymous monica @ pixel perfect said...

    Monday is laundry day here too! It's the only reason I dislike monday. Have a great week!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 9:38 AM , Anonymous Mandy Pfeiffer said...

    Man, your kids are potty training rock stars!!! My Halle isn't even close to ready! Good luck! I was just thinking about doing laundry, but I think we're going to head to Smoothie King instead... that's a good excuse to slack, right?!

    Glad Mike is having success with his diet (sorry for you though!) Not to sound spammy, but I totally have something that you will love once I get my Beachbody stuff up and running. Give me a few days and we'll talk! =)

    Happy Monday!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 9:41 AM , Anonymous Raeskids said...

    Ditto, ditto, ditto with you about laundry. Want to meet and fold together? Sigh. Misery loves company, doesn't it? I'll think of you as I lovingly fold all of our clothes.

    Have a wonderful Monday!!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:05 AM , Anonymous mle said...

    good luck with the potty training - at least she chose summer to be ready instead of winter : )
    and as for laundry... all I can say about it is that nobody notices when you do it but everybody notices when you don't - it's a thankless job!! At least glad your coffee is making you happy!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:20 AM , Anonymous Kate said...

    I feel like Monday is laundry day everywhere and most people feel the same about it ;)

    Thank you for the advise! I really want to watch Toy Story 3 when I have time :)

    Have a wonderful and blessed week,

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:31 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Thanks so much, Kate. I think you're right - who really ENJOYS laundry? Hope you have a blessed week as well!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    SO true about the laundry - and the coffee. :) Thanks for stopping by today!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Absolutely. Misery does love company. I'll be thinking of you as well. ;)

    Hope you have a great week!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:34 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    I think Presley's tiny brain is light years ahead of her tiny bladder, unfortunately. We're not having much success - at least not today. :(

    I was hoping you'd want to talk to me and have some FABULOUS advice. Can't wait! :)

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:35 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Thanks, Monica! Hope you have a great week as well. And who really likes laundry? Guess we all hate it.

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:37 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Michelle, glad to hear I wasn't the only one who needed to compose herself after watching a Disney movie. On the potty training front, we aren't having too much success today. I think her brain knows what to do but her tiny bladder is a bit behind. I'll have some recipes up this week!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:45 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Presley loved it! She had seen the first two, though and is in love with all the characters prior to watching the third. But she sat like an angel through the whole thing.

    Looking forward to catching up later!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:50 AM , Anonymous Blakley said...

    oh I have thought about potty training with my 18 month old because she shows interest bc of big sister...but oh the thought of cleaning pee pee up everywhere! i am totally with ya on that one! hope it goes well!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 11:16 AM , Anonymous Faith Raider said...

    I SO love this post! ugh. Can I come to your house for coffee? I'm out of Kcups. And I lost the filter for the "my K-cups" thingy so I'm attempting today with only Coke and feeling much more than half asleep while my kids are runing circles around me. Happy Laundry day!!!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 11:18 AM , Anonymous Natalie@mommyofamonster said...

    Laundry. Ugh. When you finish up there, you can head over my way and do ours, too if you'd like :)

    Potty training is taking FOREVER with my son. But it sounds like your little girl is right on track...good luck!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 11:21 AM , Anonymous 4sweetangels said...

    LOL about Toy Story. I wasn't able to finish it due to Daniel not wanting to stay quiet. My sister said she cried. So now I need to go by myself and see it. (That will never happen). I can't wait to see your pictures. I think I am your #1 fan. Love seeing your work.

    Thanks for your randomness Courtney! Enjoy your week



  • At June 28, 2010 at 11:45 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Again, you are too sweet. Thank you! So glad to know I have a #1 fan. LOL! Hope you get to see Toy Story 3. Hope you have a great week as well!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    I'm having ZERO success with the potty training. Or the laundry. Best of luck to you as well on both fronts.

  • At June 28, 2010 at 11:48 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Thanks, Faith! You are welcome here anytime. I'll get the coffee ready. Just stocked up on Kcups yesterday. Got plenty!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 11:49 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Not much success today. But thank you. Good luck to you if you decide to jump in!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 1:30 PM , Anonymous Liz said...

    She couldn't have picked a worse time given the fact that you guys want to be on the boat a bunch!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 2:07 PM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    I know, right?! Gonna be an interesting summer.

  • At June 28, 2010 at 4:41 PM , Anonymous Lori said...

    Ooh memories are flooding back - memories of potty training and trying to block the entire experience from my brain. lol. Just kidding. Good luck to ya! Be strong!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 5:42 PM , Anonymous CM_ALittleLilac said...

    Good luck with the potty training...I think we will all understand any hostile posts in the upcoming days! :-)

  • At June 28, 2010 at 7:12 PM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Yeah, the last time I did this I was pregnant. I'm hoping the lack of hormones will make me a little more sane through this time around. Thanks!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 7:12 PM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    LOL - thanks so much!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 7:42 PM , Anonymous carissa said...

    i want to lose 10 lbs in 1 week!!! wow! that rocks! i started doing a load of laundry every night (sounds crazy, whacko and weird, i know!) but they are all little loads that are super quick and easy to get done. it has made laundry so much more bareable! hope you had a lovely monday even if it meant laundry!

  • At June 28, 2010 at 10:31 PM , Anonymous Courtney said...

    Thanks, Carissa! Yeah, it's a crazy diet with crazy low calories while taking the HCG hormone. And I just like to eat a bit too much. I'm afraid I won't have the will power to do it. Hope all is well with you and the little ones!


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