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One Mom's Perfect Imperfection: My 100th Post!

One Mom's Perfect Imperfection

One mom's journey through life and her hodgepodge of hobbies.

24 March 2010

My 100th Post!

Hard to believe this is my 100th post. I really had no idea where this blog was going when I decided to start it. Honestly, I was just looking for a creative outlet, 5 minutes to myself to type out the noise in my head, a way to evaluate that noise and push forward as a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and student of God. But because of this blog, I have made some amazing friends & have learned so much more about myself than I could have ever imagined. My sincere thanks to all of my followers, readers, fans, even the stalkers (you know who you are) for sticking with me and encouraging me to keep moving forward with this small blog which has big things in store. This 100th post would not have happened today if not for all of you! *tear*

Enough of the mushy stuff, let's have some fun! I got this idea from Living Proof Ministries blog and thought it very entertaining and perfect for today's post. So I get an 'F' for originality today. Boo. Off we go!

In Beth's words: "What are 10 things - right off the top of your head - that we would only know about you if we knew you really well? 10 random things ranging anywhere on your personal map that make you a tad distinctive? Or just plain weird? Think quickly. Don't go for deep. Go for quirky. Don't try to put them in any kind of order and don't make them long. Just start typing."

I'll go first!

1. I'm mildly obsessed with Elvis Presley and have been since the age of 4. (My daughter's name is Presley)

2. I love history. I can totally get into anything if it has a little history behind it.

3. I hate oreos. HATE THEM!

4. I'm about 13 credit hours from finishing my bachelor's degree in psychology/criminology and I have no intentions of finishing.

5. I absolutely LOVE to travel. Even with two kids. Take me anywhere. I want to see the world!

6. I've been known to stay up all night long to finish a good book.

7. I've developed a new passion for photography and web design out of left field. Never saw it coming. (and I'm just starting out - don't judge)

8. My biggest pet peeves are sock balls. You know those wads of socks taken off incorrectly and come out of the dryer still wet? GRRRR

9. I have serious texture issues with food. I can't eat the following because of the way the feel in my mouth rather than the taste: ham, mushrooms, dumplings (or anything that makes bread soggy), too ripe bananas, oysters, clams

10. My guilty pleasure is a Reese Cup and I will fight you to the death for it. Presley was almost named Reese. It was a toss up.

Now it's YOUR turn! GO!

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