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One Mom's Perfect Imperfection: Hot Mama?

One Mom's Perfect Imperfection

One mom's journey through life and her hodgepodge of hobbies.

02 November 2009

Hot Mama?

My husband and I pretty much budget for everything. Recently, I requested a clothing budget for myself because I feel like my kids always look so stinkin' cute and then here comes their slob of a mom. I feel like a bum most of the time. Husband quickly obliged my request so this morning I thought it a good day to go out and do a little shopping for myself. The sun is shining and the temps are suppose to be around 70 degrees. It's a beautiful day to get out of the house with the kiddos. So as I'm getting ready for my expedition, I got to thinking about other moms/wives and wondered if they feel like I do. Then other questions started popping up in my head. Do other stay-at-home moms apply makeup daily, get dressed, get the kids dressed, etc. even if they're not going out for the day? I've always kinda considered it a waste if I have no plans to leave the house or receive visitors. I have days where I'm in my pj's all day - the kids too. But I do have friends that have their daily ritual of getting "made up" no matter what. And then there are all those infidelity reports that say if you don't take care of yourself and stay attractive for your man then he'll jump ship, fall off the wagon and into the arms of a more attractive coworker. The grass is always greener, right? Or wrong? Do the majority of women think that to be true? Honestly, I think the hubs could care less. He does compliment me when I dress nice or my makeup looks nice. So he notices. But I don't think for a second my husband would throw away our fantastic marriage and life with our two children for lack of daily makeup application. My 35th birthday is upon me and maybe I'm getting a bit on the paranoid side as I draw nearer to 40. FOURTY. It just sounds old, doesn't it?! Where did my twenties go? Honestly, I think it's what we make of it. Pay attention to the things that are really important and the minor details shouldn't matter. But what are your thoughts? Do you wear makeup? Do you wear it daily? Do you get dressed every day no matter what's on the agenda? Why or why not? Things to ponder....

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  • At November 2, 2009 at 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    GREAT questions! I do NOT put make-up on unless I am going to church on Sunday. My weekday mornings are so hectic trying to get out the door by 8:45 that I don't have time to primp. I have a total of maybe 20 clothes in my closet and that is ALL my clothes. I find it sad that I wear a T-shirt and jeans or work out pants everyday! What does it matter being a S.A.H.M.??? My boys always look nice and it is so much more fun to shop for them not to mention cheaper too! I agree with you, I don't think for a minute my husband would trade such a great marriage for some one who is wears make-up everyday! He loves me for who I am not what I wear! OK I could go on and on maybe I should post my thoughts one day on my blog! Great topic!

  • At November 3, 2009 at 10:25 AM , Blogger indiamama said...

    Hey, forty is not that old! I never wear my pajamas all day but I don't get dressed up. I hardly every wear make-up, if I wear lip gloss the kids are like "oooooo, Mama has on lip gloss." And I love Lee jeans!!!

  • At November 3, 2009 at 10:27 AM , Blogger Courtney said...

    I just feel like I blinked and I'm almost 40. I hear it's the new 30. Is that true, Leigh? If I go out I wear makeup, but I just feel like I'm wasting it if I put it on just to clean house or do laundry.

  • At November 3, 2009 at 12:39 PM , Blogger Mandy said...

    I consider it a good day if I get a shower before noon, and it's a GREAT day if I get to blow dry my hair! =) I rarely wear makeup, but I do find that I feel better about myself if I change out of my uniform of yoga pants and tees (though it doesn't happen on most days...). Who has time for all that?!

  • At November 4, 2009 at 1:17 PM , Blogger indiamama said...

    Well I don't know what the old 30 felt like. But 40 is not bad. Of course I'm almost 45 so the 40 year olds are just kids to me you know.


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