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One Mom's Perfect Imperfection: Do You Text While Driving?

One Mom's Perfect Imperfection

One mom's journey through life and her hodgepodge of hobbies.

04 February 2010

Do You Text While Driving?

The smart phone. A blessing and a curse at the same time. We're all aware of how much easier our lives are because of the smart phone. We're able to stay in touch with our loved ones, our business associates, our kids, etc. It allows us to stay on top of email and Twitter & Facebook all day long without ever sitting down in front of a real computer. It's a wonderful device. I, personally, have an iPhone and I don't know how I managed before adopting it into my family. I'd be lost without it. And I don't even have a full-time job! But I keep my grocery list on it, keep track of my calorie intake each day as well as my weight, all of my appointments as well as the rest of my families' appointments are in iCal, I stay on top of emails, etc. Forgot your camera? No problem. Pull out the smart phone and snap some pictures. Wanna grab that new song you're hearing on the radio? No problem. Download it from iTunes on your smart phone.

The real question is this.... are you doing all these things while driving?

I record all the new Oprah shows and usually sort through them after the kids go to bed. I keep the ones that interest me and delete the ones that don't. Her recent show about texting while driving was one that I was on the fence about. I figured it would be beneficial to watch but I had heard it all before. Don't use your cell phone at all while driving. However, something made me keep that show and I just recently watched this episode. I have to say that I had an epiphany as I was watching. I am guilty. I am SO guilty of trying to read & send emails, texts, answer phone calls, etc. all while driving - with my kids in the car. So I'm watching and realize that the casualties related to texting while driving are much higher than I ever thought. My heart ached for all the families affected by texting while driving and I thought, this could just as easily be me. What a senseless reason for dying.

Science tells us that our brains do not work the way we want them to while we're operating a vehicle and operating a smart phone at the same time. It is more than just a distraction. There is no way your eyes can be on the road 100% of the time if you are tweeting. And is tweeting really that it important while you are driving? Keep in mind that many of us have our children in the car with us. Wouldn't we do whatever it takes to protect our children? If you don't have children, or simply have complete disregard for your own safety, think of all the other vehicles on the road around you that could possibly have children in the car. It only takes taking your eyes off the road for one second. That's all.

Oprah has a No Phone Zone pledge. You can sign her pledge here. I signed it and will be encouraging others to sign it as well. Whether you are an Oprah fan or not, understand that this is very important we should all take it very seriously. There's valuable information on her website and you can watch the full episode of Oprah here and have your own epiphany. also has several links to learn more about the research being done on this subject as well as a quiz and several videos.

If you must answer a call, send an email or text or tweeting just can't wait, pull the car over and do so. Don't make calls or answer your cell phone if it's not an emergency. Don't call someone if you know they are in the car and it's not an absolute emergency. Sign the pledge and encourage others to do the same. Spread the word.

I'll leave you with this bumper sticker that Holly Robinson Peet and her daughter made up after watching the Oprah episode and signing the pledge:

Honk if you love Jesus.
Text if you want to meet Him.

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  • At February 4, 2010 at 1:37 PM , Blogger Megan Jenifer said...

    Hi Courtney!

    I loved the way you recounted your own epiphany. It only takes a second.

    Distracted driving is a real danger and it was WAAAAY before cell phone usage, but unfortunately has increased dramatically since texting became the rave.

    If pulling over isn't an option and the emergency is there (people's emergencies are different too), then there's another option for still complying with hands-free laws everywhere.

    If you haven't checked this out already, this may be something you'd like to consider and can share with others:



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